About Us
We are the Concordia Concrete Toboggan Team (CCTT)! We represent Concordia at the Great Northern Concrete Toboggan Race (GNCTR), which is the largest and longest running Undergraduate Engineering Competition in Canada. Our team this year consists of 30+ students from Civil, Building, Mechanical, Software, Electrical, and Aerospace Engineering in various stages of their Undergraduate degrees. The Competition involves designing and manufacturing a toboggan that safely carries 5 people, weighs less than 350 lbs, and includes concrete skis, a structural frame, and braking & steering systems. Only the running surface which is in contact with the snow, is concrete - not the entire toboggan.
At our university, CCTT provides students with the chance to get involved with the faculty’s community. We provide students with valuable experience for career and professional development along with an enriching extra-curricular atmosphere which fosters school spirit and cooperative skills. This means putting theoretical material learned from the classroom into real practice and learning applicable engineering skills such as CAD and team management. Additionally, our team acts as a social group for students to meet and make new friends.
In 2020, we began using a special clothing item to identify team members at competitions and social events. This item is the yellow lab coat! The students in our team take great pride in representing Concordia in our uniform.